
 I like pain!

Well, I don't like it but it's the most constant feeling in my life. It inspires me to write and I love to write.
I may not be great at it but that doesn't mean  I shouldn't do it.
It's like school, I suck at it but that doesn't mean I should quit...

I am just learning that nothing is constant.
One minute you are happy the next minute are weighed down with an abrupt sadness.
Day by day I am learning that it's okay to feel that way, you know have many feelings, be happy, be sad, be hurt.
It's okay to express how you feel,
Not everyone will understand but for those who stay and go through the emotions with you; those are the keepers they might not understand but they stick around.

It's okay to be mokay!

(My very first blog- poem Mokay explains what okay means.)


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