
I am speaking but I am not speaking, I am listening but all I am doing is hearing.

I am not living!

I am simply going through the different phases of life and I don't think it will end any time soon so I am going to keep looking for something to make life bearable.

I am living life by "the book," Am I living the wrong way? Following and living through trends on social media. No wonder my life is so hollow.

I keep reciting " I am better just for being here," but am I? What do I have to offer?

I keep waiting for you to believe in me. Maybe that's my problem.


  1. Beautiful piece of prose Mel. It's a constant struggle to find meaning with all the pieces that move intricately around us in our lives. Very relatable. For me the start is acceptance of who I am no matter what the world dictates I should be.


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