The Most Beautiful Thing About Me

The most beautiful thing about me is my mind! With this feature, I can create an entire story and live through it, I can destroy and fight all the negativity I receive. 

With this feature, I can actually; bring to life, I write! I play around with the words that my mind gives me; I paint a picture.

My mind is so powerful that sometimes I undermine it. With this feature, I elevate or drop, so I am learning to be careful about what I feed it.

In my mind, I am a traveller because I have travelled to the worst places and the best places. I have moved so much up there that I am now certified.

With the subconscious self I can, I will and I shall!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Reflective yet equally poetical. Thanks for putting this together, Mel.

    The mind is indeed the most beautiful thing.

    In the mind we process our thoughts- both negative and positive thoughts. It is our consciousness. Sometimes when we have negative thoughts, our mind can trick us into defining our selves by those negative thoughts. So, indeed most battles are in the mind. If one is able to align how they think, they have indeed won, one of the most important battles- in the mind. As a man (read woman) thinks, so is he(read she).

    Your mind is beautiful and one of the most important components and parts of your life.


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